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Creating an Instance


All your customer profiles are created under a specific Instance. Creating an Instance enables you to build functionality such as a unified customer profile, quicker access to quality data on Skypoint AI. There can be multiple Instances under each Tenant. You can make changes under each instance with the help of Instance level settings. Changes made in one Instance do not impact the properties of other Instances.

To add an Instance

Follow the steps below to Add instance under your Tenant:

  1. Go to Settings > Instances.
  2. In the Instances tab, click Add instance.

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The Create instance page appears.

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The Skypoint AI platform enables you to copy information from the existing instances as well as create a new Instance. These two options of adding an instance allow you to do the following:

Copy from existingEnables you to select the settings from an existing instance to save your effort of resetting a new instance.
Create instanceEnables you to add a new instance by selecting new Instance properties.

To Copy from existing instance

Follow the below steps to create an instance from existing instance:

  1. On the Create instance page, select Copy from existing instance.
  2. Type the desired Name of the new instance in the Name text area.
  3. Type the desired Display name in the Display name text area.
  4. Click the Instances available and select the desired Instance from the drop-down list.
  5. Select the Domain that best describes your business.

You can add the domain to business at the instance level in Skypoint AI Studio. Domain dropdown displays values - Retail, Senior living, Health care, Default, and Hospitality in ascending order. These options have been pre-defined and are included in the dropdown list as default values. However, you can request the Skypoint AI support team to add new values to this list based on your specific requirements.

  1. Click Create.

To Create instance

Follow the below instance to create an instance directly:

  1. On the Create instance screen, select Create instance.

The Create instance form appears.

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  1. On the Create instance form, fill in the following details in the respective type areas:
Form ItemsAction
NameType a unique name for the Instance.
Display nameType a display name for the Instance.
TypeSelect the desired Tenant from the Type drop-down list.
DomainSelect the domain that best describes your business.
Time zoneSelect the desired time zone from the Time zone drop-down list. The default time zone is UTC -7:00 Pacific Time.
LanguageSelect the preferred language from the Language drop-down list. The default language is English.
Date and number formatSelect the preferred date and time format from the Date and number format. The default value is United States.
CurrencySelect the preferred currency from the Currency drop-down list. The default value is US Dollar (USD) $.
DescriptionType a description (if required) in the Description box.
  1. Click Create.

To change an existing Instance

You can perform a few actions on an existing Instance to change the properties as well as to delete it. Follow the below steps:

  1. Go to Settings > Instances.
  2. In the Instances tab, click the horizontal ellipses under the Action column for an existing Instance.

The Action list appears.

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  1. If required, perform the actions below on the Action list.
Edit the properties of already created instance or select the option to copy properties from the existing instanceClick Edit.
Delete the entire data set available for an existing instanceClick Remove.
Delete specific MDSP data from an existing instanceClick Reset MDSP data.
Delete privacy dataClick Reset Privacy data.
Delete datavault dataClick Reset datavault data.
View history for the instanceClick History.
Create backup or restore data from the saved backupClick Backups.

To Reset MDSP data

You can specify the data that you want to reset while resetting the MDSP data for an existing instance. Follow the below steps:

  1. In the Action list, click Reset MDSP data.

The Reset MDSP data pop-up appears.

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  1. Perform one of the below actions:
If you want toThen
Delete all data and settingsSelect Reset everything.
Delete everything except already imported or connected dataflowsSelect Keep all dataflows.
Delete everything except dataflow, settings for stitch and the Profile tableSelect Keep all dataflows, settings for stitch and the profile table.
  1. Click Reset.

To change Settings of Instance

You can directly change the information of your instance, using the Settings feature. Follow the below steps:

  1. Go to Settings > Instances.
  2. Click the Settings tab.

The Settings page appears.

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  1. If required, perform the following actions on the Settings screen:
Change the Instance nameType a new instance name in the Instance name text area.
Change Time zoneSelect a new time zone from the Time zone drop-down list.
Change LanguageSelect a new language from the Language drop-down list.
Change Date and number formatSelect a new date and time format from the Date and number format drop-down list.
Change CurrencySelect a new currency from the Currency drop-down list.
  1. Click Save to apply your changes.