Creating a Subscription churn
You can select a Subscription churn model to identify the customers with recurring payment for products and services. This document can help to predict whether a customer is at risk of no longer using your subscription products or services.
To predict with a Subscription churn
Follow the below steps to create a customer prediction using subscription churn model:
- Go to Activate > Predictions.
- On the Predictions page, click the Create tab.
The Prediction models appear.
Select Master Data from the dropdown list. When you select the master data, the system validates the selected master data type and filters the predictions based on the selection.
In the Customer churn model, click Use this model.
The Customer churn model form appears.
- In the Customer churn model form, select Subscription.
- Click Get Started.
The Subscription churn model page appears.
Add Model Name
- In the Subscription churn model page, type a unique name in the Name text area.
- Type a unique name in the Output table name.
- Click Save & Proceed.
The Model preferences page appears.
Add Model preferences
- In the Model preferences page, enter the Number of days in the Days since subscription ended text area.
- Enter the Number of days in the Days to look into future to predict churn text area.
The number of days that you enter should be minimum 60.
- Click Save & Proceed.
The Add required data page appears.
- In the Add Subscription history, click Add New.
The Add Customer Data form appears.
Add Subscription history
Follow the below steps to fill the Add Customer Data form for adding Subscription history:
- Select a Subscription history table from the drop-down list.
- Select the Subscription ID you want to map from the drop-down list.
- Select the Subscription End Date you want to map from the drop-down list.
- Select the Subscription Start Date you want to map from the drop-down list.
- Select the Transaction Date you want to map from the drop-down list.
- Select the Recurring subscription information from the drop-down list.
- In case, it is a recurring subscription, select the Recurrence Frequency from the drop-down list.
- Select the Subscription Amount from the drop-down list.
- Select the Relationship Name from the drop-down list.
- Click Save.
The Subscription history is created.
Add Customer activities
Follow the below steps to customize customer activities by assigning fields from your data:
- In the Add required data page, click Add new under the Customer activities section.
The Add Customer Data form appears.
- Select a Customer activity table from the drop-down list.
- Select a Primary key from the drop-down list.
- Select a Timestamp from the drop-down list.
- Select an Event from the drop-down list.
- Select Details from the drop-down list.
- In Activity type, perform one of the below actions:
To | Do |
Select an activity type from Select The Activity Type drop-down list | Click Select from existing. |
Type a new activity type in the Activity Type text area | Click Create new. |
- Click Save.
The Customer activity gets created.
- Click Save & Proceed.
The Data update schedule page appears.
Update Schedule
Follow the below steps to update schedule to run the subscription churn model:
- In the Data update schedule page, perform one of the below actions:
To | Do |
Import new data to your model on a weekly interval | Click Weekly. |
Import new data to your model on a monthly interval | Click Monthly. |
- Click Save & Proceed.
The Review your model details page appears.
To review and run your model
Follow the below steps to save your churn model or run it:
- In the Review your model details page, click the Edit icon to edit the details.
- Once you complete your review or editing, perform one of the below actions:
To | Do |
Save and run your churn model | Click Save & Run. |
Save your churn model | Click Save & Close. |