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Amazon S3

Export lets you extract data from the Lakehouse and load it into Amazon S3.

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Step 01 - Add export

  • Click on Add export on the left top corner of the screen.
  • Enter a Name. (Name starts with a letter and only Letters and Numbers are allowed. No spaces)
  • Display name (which displays the name in the UI of the export saved).
  • Select Credentials
    • Select from existing
    • Create new

Step 02 - Select from existing

In order to allow Skypoint AI access to your Amazon S3 account, you'll need the following details:

  • Select Dataflow
  • Bucket Name (Amazon S3 bucket name)
  • Access Key ID (Check with Amazon S3 source credentials.)
  • Secret Access key
  • Region Name
  • Encryption
  • Click Next Button

Step 02 - Create new

In order to allow Skypoint AI access to your Amazon S3 account, you'll need the following details:

  • Bucket Name (Amazon S3 bucket name)
  • Access key ID (Check with Amazon S3 source credentials.)
  • Secret Access Key
  • Region Name
  • Encryption (Supported encryption values are SSE-S3, SSE-KMS, SSE-C)
  • Click Next Button.

Step 03 - Entities to export

Here all the Lakehouse data will be available Entity wise.

  • Select the entities from the list to be exported
  • Click Create Button.
  • Click on "Destinations".
  • Click on the "Ellipsis" under Actions.
  • Click on "Run".