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Data Maps


Data mapping is the process of keeping an inventory of personal data in your business systems. It includes information such as what data you collect, how it is used, where it is stored, and how it travels throughout your organization and beyond. To meet the data privacy regulations like General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the EU and California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in the U.S., data mapping is very important. With more and more data being generated, data flows are growing and becoming more complex. Data mapping helps in keeping an account of all the data processing happing in the system.

A data map is a representation of the data infrastructure of an organization. It provides a record of all the personally identifiable data points and contains information on the data type, access level, and why it is collected. By overcoming the challenge of disparate data sources and meeting compliance needs, our platform helps in identifying, understanding, and plotting what information the data has and how the data flows through the platform.

To view the Data map

  • Go to the Empower section and select Data Maps.

The Data map window appears.

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Data Map usually reflects four different stages through which the data flows. They are:

  • Collect: Collection is the point of data entry into your company's ecosystem. This field shows the Dataflow chosen by any tenant that requires modifications/processing of any kind.
  • Transform: The main modifications regarding different tables take place over the platform and the data tables get into a regularized shape for better understanding. It may be restructured or stored in a different format for a destination system.
  • Process: Any processing needed that the customer wants regarding the final use case. This may be user behavior analysis or sending e-commerce orders, each of these constitutes a process.
  • Retain: The outcome of the modifications done to the dataset is reflected in the system and is stored for future reference.


Personally Identifiable Information (PII) includes any information that can be used to distinguish or trace an individual’s identity. PII mapping helps to understand more about the specific centric across different tables and organize them on a general basis. It enables organizations to implement data security best practices, maintain continuous compliance, and automate policies to help manage and protect their data.

View and edit the PII map

Follow the below steps to view and update the PII map:

  1. In the Data Maps, open the PII map tab.

The PII map page appears.

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  1. You can edit the PII map to modify the configurations such as Access, Erasure, Update and implement data security best practices.
  2. To edit the PII map, click the horizontal ellipsis under the Actions column and select Edit.