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Creating Profile Attribute


Metrics help you to understand customer behavior and business performance. The Profile Attribute enables you to track your customer performance (Eg: Total Spent, Reward Points, etc.) by defining tables through calculations using math operators, aggregation functions, and filters.

To create Profile Attribute

Follow below steps to create a Profile Attribute Metrics type:

  1. Go to Activate > Metrics.
  2. Click New Metrics.

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  1. In New Metric form, select Profile Attribute.

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  1. Type Name in the text area.
  2. Type Display name in the text area.
  3. Click Save.

To add table

Follow below steps to add a table in your new metrics:

  1. In Tables section, click Add table.
  2. Select tables having a relationship with your starting table.
    • Click Delete icon (X) to remove the selected tables.

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To add variable

Follow below steps to add variables in your new metrics:

  1. In Variables section, click Add Variable.

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The New Variable form appears on the right.

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  1. Type Variable name in the text area.
  2. Use the Search feature in Add Attributes text area to select attributes.
  3. Enter an expression between selected attributes in the Expression Test text area.
    • The expression must contain +,-,*,/,%,^ character.
  4. Click Save.

To add Metric definition

Follow below steps to add Metric definition in your new metrics:

  1. In Metric definition section, tick Show currency in metrics output to get your output in currency.

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  1. Select a Function from the drop-down list.
  2. Select a Table or variable from the drop-down list.
  3. Select a Field from the drop-down list.
  4. Click Save.

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To manage Profile Attribute

Follow below steps to act on the Metrics output:

  1. Go to Activate > Metrics.
  2. Click the horizontal ellipsis for your created metrics under Actions column.

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  1. Perform one of the below actions on Actions menu.
Edit created MetricsClick Edit.
Rename created MetricsClick Rename.
Delete created MetricsClick Delete.